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You are here: Home / News / Food plastic bottle article / What is a food grade plastic bottle?

What is a food grade plastic bottle?

Views: 11     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-09-18      Origin: Site

      With the increasingly prominent issue of food safety, more and more food packaging materials are beginning to receive people's attention. Among them, food grade plastic bottles, as a new type of food packaging material, have been widely used in the market. So, what is a food grade plastic bottle?

Food grade plastic bottles are plastic containers specifically designed for food packaging, typically made of non-toxic and odorless plastic materials such as polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP). Compared with ordinary plastic bottles, food grade plastic bottles have stricter requirements for raw materials during the production process, must comply with food safety standards, be non-toxic and harmless, and will not pose any harm to human health.

Food grade plastic bottles have many advantages and are widely used in various food packaging fields. Firstly, it has characteristics such as high temperature resistance, non fragility, and corrosion resistance, which can effectively protect food and prevent pollution and spoilage. Secondly, the manufacturing process of food grade plastic bottles is stricter and the quality is more guaranteed, which can ensure the safety and hygiene of food. In addition, food grade plastic bottles also have the advantages of being lightweight, easy to carry, and easy to store, making them convenient for consumers to use and carry.

Food grade plastic bottles are widely used in various food packaging fields, such as medical supplies, electronic products, tableware, etc. In the medical field, food grade plastic bottles can be used to store medical supplies such as drugs and vaccines, ensuring the safety and effectiveness of drugs. In the field of electronic products, food grade plastic bottles can be used to protect electronic components, components, and machines from environmental and mechanical damage. In the field of tableware, food grade plastic bottles can be used as materials for containers such as water cups and lunch boxes, making them easy to carry and store.

When using food grade plastic bottles, some precautions need to be taken. Firstly, it is important to avoid heating food grade plastic bottles, as high temperatures may cause the bottles to deform or release harmful substances. Secondly, it is important to avoid contacting food grade plastic bottles with organic matter, as organic matter may dissolve into plastic bottles and cause contamination of food. In addition, it is important to promptly clean and disinfect food grade plastic bottles to maintain their cleanliness and hygiene.

       In short, food grade plastic bottles, as a new type of food packaging material, have many advantages and advantages. It has been widely used in medical, electronic, tableware and other fields, bringing convenience and safety to people's lives. With the continuous improvement of food safety awareness and the continuous development of technology, we have reason to believe that food grade plastic bottles will be more widely used and promoted in the future, making greater contributions to ensuring people's food safety and health.


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